Lanie and Price
TylerWhen Lanie was murdered, they all immediately knew who the culprit was. It was Price, for he has always been so predictable. #vss
— *The Gentleman* (@bandey) September 14, 2013
MitchTyler knew his dancing days were over. He sat through the end credits of this stage of his life waiting, desperately hoping for a sequel.
— the K factor (@bandey) September 1, 2013
StellaMitch the mouse kept quiet as his family squeaked loudly. Afraid that his secret of being a world famous baritone singer might be discovered
— the K factor (@bandey) August 25, 2013
AzzaStella wanted Matt to know that she appreciated all the love and care he has given and wished to be more than just a pet rock to him.
— the K factor (@bandey) August 22, 2013
Karam"Lav me.. lav me..." Azza cried. #LavAzza #coffeepun #horhorhor
— the K factor (@bandey) August 21, 2013
PhillipHi my name is karam. I don't go on dates. I go on friend-zoning ceremonies...
— the K factor (@bandey) August 20, 2013
FredPhillip was agitated. The violent anger shook him as if to break his own self. "Calm down" they all said. How can he? He was just a blender.
— the K factor (@bandey) August 20, 2013
DaveFred knew that of he changed in to the were-dog his identity would be blown. But he really wanted to play with the other dogs in the park.
— the K factor (@bandey) August 2, 2013
KelvinDave clenched his teeth and poked a pair of pliers in the wound to retrieve the bullet the ghost had shot him with. But alas, ghost bullet.
— the K factor (@bandey) August 1, 2013
SallyKelvin took his razor and started shaving furiously, fully aware that his beard was alive and screaming. Then proceeded to laugh maniacally.
— the K factor (@bandey) August 1, 2013
AbelTwo years later Sally finally stopped grieving. She wondered how to wipe off the dried streaks of tears without insulting her late husband.
— the K factor (@bandey) July 30, 2013
Abel waded through the warm pool of salty water. He felt himself rejuvenate and revitalize. The tears of his enemies are truly miraculous.
— the K factor (@bandey) July 30, 2013