This is a pretty cool feature for i-pod owners. Run Linux OS on your i-pod. as well as play games like Doom and Packman on your ipod. check it out.
This is a pretty cool feature for i-pod owners. Run Linux OS on your i-pod. as well as play games like Doom and Packman on your ipod. check it out.
ޔަހޫދީންނާއި ނަޞާރާއިންނާއި މިނޫންވެސް އިސްލާމް ދީނުގެ އެންމެހައި ޢަދާވާތްތެރިންގެ މަކަރުވެރި ކަމާއި ޙަސަދަވެރިކަމުން މާތް ﷲ އެންމެހައި މުސްލިމުން ސަލާމަތް ކުރައްވާށި! އާމީން!
وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين .
and thank you for your prayer it was very nice.
but sadly i updated the apple firmware to the latest one ... and now i can't get linux to work on it. seems apple fixed tht issue i guess.