Loose Change - 9/11 Conspiracy

The buzz now is the new 911 conspiracy documentary "9/11 Loose Change". This documentray kept me glued to the screen. The facts were unbelievably simple, I kept saying to myself why didnt I notice that before. Unlike the other documentary "Fahrenheit 911" by Micheal Moore, Loose Change has a more direct approach, I didnt find any part of it to sway off topic or set my mind to wander off. exccellent documentary I must say... Makes you want to bash in Bushes head in to a pile of broken glass and metal spikes and call that place Ground Zero....
Click here to watch it on Google Video.


Anonymous said…
Something tht I noticed even before was that, inspite of so many cam's around none of a crooky person was able to catch a clip of the pentagon crash. Instead they jst showed a tail end N if a big plane crush then the distruction shud have been vast as it did to the twin towers. Till date they never released a correct video footage of the crash into the pentagon. I Might not be right, but u see thts something I use to question during those days but it might be tht they did show N I missed to see it :)
Ahmed Karam said…
yeah. the FBI was at every store or office which had surveylance cameras near the pentagon within minutes of the crash. they took the tapes and told them not to speak of what they saw. they recently released only 5 frames of a video footage. what can 5 frames tell you?
How many coverups has been like this. if you look at Male' for instance. I can think of loads of coverups. eg. STO was created to move around black money...
So it will come back to haunt you some day..