Ghost Rider's Sweet Ride

Check out the awesome ride Ghostrider, played by Nicholas Cage, will be driving. those flaming wheels and skull head. I wishI had that bike. DAMN YOU NICHOLAS CAGE!!!!

check out the site @ ""


Anonymous said…
That bike is so damn cool and it looks "exactly" like mine...except mine is a Cheer but it sure looks like its been through hell.....
ooo i get it ur jealous...Mwuh hah.hahahahahah (atheek laughs mockingly while rolling his tongue in a gay manner)
Anonymous said… can a fuck be holy..??

_confiused and horny atheek_
Ahmed Karam said…
thats when you pray when you fuck.. like a lot of people keep saying gods name eg:"OH GOD OH GOD" i think it has sumthing to do with that