I'm On A Camel!

Old Spice, endorsed by Ali Rameez.

For those of you who haven't seen the Original Old Spice Commercial...


[...] Bandey’s ode to the Original Old Spice Commercial… [...]
penny said…
yaamyn said…
LOL. You actually went ahead and did it!


Ali Rameez, the Mullah every Mullah wants to smell like. :p
Liberal said…
Dear Author;
Your blog is one of excellent blog i had seen in MVblogsphere. Ur posts are creative nd useful too. Hence, i have noticed few things that are unethical. Lets think. As a human-being u may personally dnt like making cartoons of yours. nd to be criticized too. I dnt think it becomes funny for u to see a portrait of u, like the above one. Inside u feel something bad. As a humanbeing too. In my point of view u are just criticizing people for nothing. Dnt think that i am supporting mullas. I will also comment in this manner if somebody makes cartoon of u or anybody else. Lets think liberally.
i would like to ask a simple question frm u. Which one is impotant? 1.certain ideology or 2.peace. Think from an open mind nd once again think abt this phrase. "BE THE CHANGE U WANT TO SEE". U dnt want to criticize anybody due to his or her religion, idea, dressing style etc.. right??? Maybe the mullahs do not believe it. Becz they are ignorant. But we have knowledge. So lets change our selves nd stop discriminating others. nd making fun of them. If u are also criticizing as mullas do than wats the difference between mulla nd u. Lets be moderate, liberal, socialize nd use our blogging skills in the way of peace nd harmony. BE THE CHANGE U WANT TO SEE
Gay hilath said…
lets see who smell who in the hell!
bandey said…
Dear Mr. Liberal
Dont get me wrong either, I do truly believe Ali Rameez is one of the most influential and nicest people in the Maldives that this ridiculous day and age has seen. As a human being this is some thing I want to see. publicly being able to express your views no matter how immensely narrow minded it may seem.
If you felt that my post was a personal blow for Mr. Rameez you are mistaken.
I do believe that I am the change who I want to see (with the extra body fat and all) so heres another picture I did a few years back which may clear up some questions you have about my personality.
cheers :D
bandey said…
Dear Mr. Gay hilath
Does this Mr\Mrs\Ms\Mulla 'who' from 'the hell' smell like Old spice too??? If so, does he\she also ride a Camel?
AzMyst said…
ROFL! BWAAHAHAHAHAA!!! *wipes tears*
Can't believe you actually did it! XD
Good stuff!

PS: Hey! What happened to all the other comments I saw here earlier??
AzMyst said…
Oh nevermind... the comments just appeared again. As if by magic. Must have used Old Spice.
Liberal said…
Dear author;
Its non of my concern what u personally believe about the pop x-singer mulla ali rameez and to know abt ur personality either. nd for ur kind infromation i am not a fan of ali rameex.

I was little bit surprised when u flipped the meaning of the phrase "BE THE CHANGE U WANT TO SEE". i think u know the correct meaning of it. But for the sake of argument u flipped the meaning of it. U do not want to accept ur mistakes nd at the same time u try to protect those mistakes. For that u just took the wrong meaning of the phrase.

I believe that u have a strong skill of art and creativity. I appreciate that.

But in my point of view these kind of posts lead unnecessary arguments nd cross fire in MVblogosphere. Unnecessary arguments is an obstacle to the peace nd harmony of this nation. Once again i call u and ol the other bloggers do not act like mullas. Hence, use our own skills in the way of peace nd harmony of this nation nd the world too.
bandey said…
Dear Liberal,

You act as if this particular picture would create the same kind of uproar the picture drawn by the Danish artist had. In my opinion I do not believe me photo-shopping Ali Rameez and depicting him the head of the Mullahs to be a mistake or an act of atrocity. Nor will I make an apology for it.

But how ever I will apologize to you! since my work is upsetting for you, I want you to know that I do take great notice not to tread on anyone's toes. (except for the well deserving toes. In which case i intend to squish them) The work I do are very moderate considering the masses (which I think you should be going after with these comments) and I do not intend to stop making jokes, please bear in mind that I too have a limit for ethics. My advise for you, though you may wish to take or not, is to take a chill pill and find humor in everything you see. Again, Im truly am sorry for making you upset.

And I don't think any Muslim, extreme or lenient, would depict themselves to be a mullah* of the modern world. Hence making my picture invalid as Monopoly money in the real world :)

*(The word Mullah used to mean the Muslim man, now it represents the Muslim psycho-fanaticism, the same thing happened to the word Gay over the past years)
[...] “education” in Pakistan and Afghanistan madrassas and return home to Maldives and demonstrate greatness in oratory and theatrical skills in “gloriously” propagating their Wahhabi agenda of bigotry [...]