Readers Choice

I was going through some of the comments for my recent posts and one of them caught my eye.

Anonymous said...
why dont u for once not label ur drawings, u always have an explanation of what u r doing ,let ur art speak for itself ,and let others try and understand the hidden meaning of these harm in letting others do some thinking inorder to understand their knowledge of art.

So anyway I decided to work on this critism and lets see if I have the talent of getting my message across....


Anonymous said…
its about letting go of all inhibitions ,and being the real u.yes ,its a person enjoying life to the fullest.but it looks like a dream ,coz we only dream of freedom ,we r afraid to be our real self in reality.
Anonymous said…
yaay! u let go of ur they wont ever be broken again.schweet..
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
its about letting go of all inhibitions ,and being the real u.yes ,its a person enjoying life to the fullest.but it looks like a dream ,coz we only dream of freedom ,we r afraid to be our real self in reality.

this comment was written by the one who said

"Anonymous said...
why dont u for once not label ur drawings, u always have an explanation of what u r doing ,let ur art speak for itself ,and let others try and understand the hidden meaning of these harm in letting others do some thinking inorder to understand their knowledge of art."

Anonymous said…
maybe he feels lost without the one with gloves. maybe he is gay and loosing his feathers thinking about it.
Anonymous said…
he is falling for someone