man i just had to put this on... :D laughed my ass off
Anonymous said…
Funny video...but i'm wondering how Muslims easily find the humour in such things about anyone save Prophet Muhammed. I'm reminded of the fanatic reaction by Muslims at the Muhammed cartoons.
WHAT??? THERE WAS A BOYCOTT?dammit! I wud've loved to boycott something!!!
Anonymous said…
O.K. You hae had your fun with Jesus. Now how about some fun with Mo?
How about a 60 year Prophet Mohamed raping a 6 year old girl he had just taken over after having beheaded her father and sold off her mother into slavery? Or doing it with a donkey?
Oh Anonymous 10:15, get your prophets correct. She was Nine, not six. PPppfft. Thats a whole new ballpark. If there is one thing I don't like, it is these uninformed statements that people make to be controversial.
anonymous @ 10:15 seems like a very christian hearted fella. its not like that video was played out by muslims, anny! i dont know u, but ur anny from now on.
depends on wether you have sense of humour or not i guess.
like im responsible for the boycotting of a single nation. :D
Now how about some fun with Mo?
How about a 60 year Prophet Mohamed raping a 6 year old girl he had just taken over after having beheaded her father and sold off her mother into slavery?
Or doing it with a donkey?
If there is one thing I don't like, it is these uninformed statements that people make to be controversial.