PROJECT andhiri has been underway for a few days now. This is hopefully my latest diabolical plan to bring forth my creations to the public. For those who have no idea about what PROJECT andhiri is its a webcomic I am developing now. Its suppose to be a monthly or so comic hopefully i can stick to that schedule. The comic can be downloaded from as soon as i upload it. Will post more updates soon.
_ By Curious and Horny AtheeK _
_AtheeK,Still Curious And very Horny_
Am I the one horny enough to visit ur site...i see no other people posting comments, the way ur new home page ROCKS!!
cant you leave me alone. i moved to another continent because of you...!!!
I myself hav also started a comic.
im aiming it be a very demonic (and not gay...yes believe it, not gay)plot.
_Not so curious but still a damn lot horny Atheek_
Oh and our chemistry too strong for u to break mearly by going to
australia!...ladies keep ur hands off. THIS MAN IS MINE!!AND IM A MAN TOO!!!
NOT A SINGLE this becauze he's gay.What ever happened to freedom of expresing ur sexuality...I mean I"know"(as in once my ex-boy, know)this guy and he's really talanted in arts and in ....ahem "other" areas as well .....VOW ONTO ALL WHO DONT POST A COMMENT ON THIS SITE..THEY SHALL DROWN IN MY SEA OF SPERM
_temporarily not horny Atheek_
_ iya _
don't ya think karam deserves more for his site...
WTF IS WRONG WITH U LITTLE PENISES...ok dude u need PORN on this site....I could help u with my collection of Me and Iya back in the days when we were ...ahem...
_horny 'cauze of iya ...atheek_