Change Your Windows Boot Screen

You know that boring black window which comes up when the computer starts windows. Heres how you can change the boring screen in to something which would more probably suit your taste.
Ive been searching through the net for a software to change my boot screen, there are lots of softwares which can change the boot screen of your computer, the most efficient software to my taste i found was Bootskin, a software from Unlike other programes it doesnt interfere with the xpsystem, but works on its own so making it a very safe programme to run.
You can download the programme from this link

After you have installed the programme you can run it and select the bootscreen you like from the list given. You can also download many other custom bootscreens from
click this link to download form the thousands of bootscreens they have.

Here are some cutomised bootscreens to download.
  • Kill Bill

  • Doom 3

  • Xplastic

  • Dreaming Of Aliens And Stars
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